But, this year, things are different. With travel restrictions in place, staying home is the new norm.  This poses a new challenge, as the sweltering summer heat is what’s mostly felt rather than what used to be enjoyable about it.

When you’re stuck inside your home, it’s easier to feel summer’s sweltering heat. But don’t fret as here are some of the best ways to combat the heat:

  1. Keep The Blinds Or Curtains Closed

Since the temperature outside is so warm, you’ll want to keep your windows open. But this doesn’t mean that you should apply the same to your blinds and curtains. Ironically, it’s better to keep your blinds or curtains closed as doing so can block off excess sunlight. When this is achieved, the heat and overall temperature indoors can also be better controlled.  You can open them at night and let the fresh, cooler air in with a fan.

  1. Have Extra Portable Fans On Hand

This tip works only if your home already has air conditioner. Suppose your air conditioner suddenly acts up or breaks, then at least you’ve got an alternative. When this happens, your portable fan will be enough to keep you cool. If it isn’t, you can put a bowl of ice in front of the fan.

If your air conditioner is functioning quite well, you can also use your ceiling or portable fan alongside it to make the wind even cooler. This would help you better enhance the circulation of the air inside the room. Not only is the wind cooler, but your electricity bill can be lower as well.

As a bonus, here’s another savvy tip: adjust the blades of your fan so that it rotates counter-clockwise. This would pull the hot air upwards rather than merely circling the same hot air around the room.

  1. Use Natural Fabrics

There’s a reason why there’s such a thing as summer clothing. Think of the outfits you would wear to a summer holiday out in the sun had you been able to go on vacation outdoors. These are often made of fabric that’s naturally better at absorbing sweat. If you choose to wear these, your body stays cooler, too.

The best fabrics to choose from would be cotton, linen, bamboo, but don’t just make this switch with your clothing. Do it as well with your beddings and other sheets. You’ll feel this difference, especially when you take afternoon naps when the heat is at its strongest.

  1. Take Cold Showers

Summertime is definitely not the right season to put your water heater on full blast. Instead, it’s even recommended that you take cold showers instead. If you have a pool at home or an inflatable pool, this can help keep you cool. Don’t have one? Perhaps now’s the right time for you to finally get one.

As you take your bath or inflate your pool, you may want to make it colder by putting ice in it, too—but not so much that you’re going to freeze. Just enough for your body to stay cooler than it usually would.

For that added cooling effect, ice packs on the warmest parts of your body would also help. These would include your temples, wrists, and neck.

  1. Make Your Own Popsicles

Too much sugary drinks and food is bad during any season so while it can be tempting under the summer sun, you’d still want to limit your intake of ice cream.

A better alternative instead would be to create your own popsicles!  There are tons of recipes—and healthy ones at that—that you can follow. This will also come in handy if you’ve got kids begging for ice cream after play time.

Another clever trick? Freeze your watermelon and grapes. These are some of the best, refreshing treats you can have during the warm summer months.


When everyone across the globe could still get away during the summertime, there wasn’t much to complain about the heat. The sun was always well-loved and accepted when you’ve got a beach or a pool next to you. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case today as people are left with no choice but to stay home. Whether you’ve got an air conditioning unit or not, the heat can permeate indoors and make the day uncomfortable. Thankfully, these tips can help you stay cool as the summer months come by. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the warm season before freezing temperatures start to arrive again.